Perfect Bar Peanut Butter Bar, Mini 0.74 oz
Nutrition and taste, grounded in perfection. Gluten free. 20+ super foods. 5 g protein. Non GMO. USDA organic. 100 calories per bar. See nutrition panel for fat content. Our Story: They say our dad, Bud Keith, was a health food pioneer before most folks had heard of health food. To help our king-size family eat right while on the go, he mixed organic peanut butter and honey with a superfood blend and exclaimed, It's Perfect! - and the Perfect Bar recipe was born. Today, us kids are sharing dad's fresh nutrition bar recipe with the world. Only the cleanest ingredients and incredible taste for a bar so fresh, it belongs in the fridge. Get our whole nutty story at P: 1(866) 628-8548. Certified Organic by Oregon Tilth. Certified gluten-free. AKA: Ashley Koff approved. Est. 2002.