Jim Beam Whiskey, Kentucky Straight Bourbon, Kentucky Fire 750 ml
Estd 1795. Since 1795. Cinnamon liqueur infused with Kentucky straight bourbon whiskey. Fiery, cinnamon kick. None genuine without my signature. - James B. Beam. Legacy: Jim Beam Kentucky Fire contains all the pride of the Beam family's 220-year history with a red hot take on family tradition. Our distillers have infused intense sweet cinnamon liqueur with fine Kentucky bourbon whiskey. The perfect mix of bourbon with a touch of warm cinnamon and a fiery kick. Best enjoyed chilled as a shot. Made with quality whiskey. Quality: Made with genuine Beam Whiskey. www.drinksmart.com. 35% alc/vol (70 proof). Made and Bottled by James B. Beam Distilling Co. Beam Clermont Frankfort, Kentucky USA.