Jim Beam Whiskey, Straight Bourbon, Honey 750 ml
Real honey liqueur infused with kentucky straight bourbon whiskey. - James B. Beam. None geneuine without my signature. A hint of sweetness. Estd 1795. Since 1795. Legacy: Jim Beam Honey contains all the pride of the Beam's Family's 220-year history with a smooth take on family tradition. Our distillers have infused sweet-delicate Honey Liqueur with fine Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey. The perfect mix of Bourbon with subtle hints of caramel, oak and vanilla. Enjoy as a shot or with lemonade over ice. Made with Quality Whiskey. Quality: Made with genuine. Beam Whiskey. www.drinksmart.com. 35% alcohol volume (70 proof). Made and bottled by James B. Beam Distilling Co.